Fresh Organic Honey

One Bee at a Time

Pollinating the world with happiness.

Wildflower Honey

Enjoy the unparalleled, scrumptious taste of our honey created by our Happy Bumble Bees visiting all the local wildflowers in Black Forest, CO. Limited quantities based on the harvest. High quality standards maintained for volumes ethically extracted from the hives.

Creamed & Infused Honey

Looking for something new? Try our whipped honey! It's our delicious wildflower honey that has been whipped to introduce air to it. We then add pure extract to make a wide variety of mouthwatering flavors. This is great for spreading on toast, muffins, scones, pancakes, sandwiches and so much more!

Honeycomb Haven Studio

Honeycomb Haven Studio produces unique & custom artwork. You'll feel great knowing that your purchases help to fund the operational costs for our hives at Happy Bumble Bees! Win-Win!